Nexus Roleplay
Ban Appeal
Server Rules
Master Panel
Whitelist Application
Discord Name
Reason for Joining
0 / 10 words
Previous Experience
0 / 5 words
Specific Characters
0 / 5 words
What Characters Do You Plan To Bring To The Community?
0 / 5 words
Character Backstory
0 / 50 words
Tell us a rule that you think is good/bad
0 / 50 words
If you were to RP with another community member and felt yourself becoming frustrated by the interactions, how would you approach RP scenes involving them moving forward?
0 / 50 words
If you encountered a Bug/Exploit within the server, how would you deal with this?
0 / 50 words
Green is your favorite color. You’re wearing your favorite green socks with shorts, and you've stumbled into the south side. Next thing you know, 5/6 people are surrounding you, all wearing green, telling you to take your socks off as it’s their color. What does your character do?
0 / 150 words
Driving along, you are pulled over by 3 officers who immediately pull firearms on you. They begin ordering you to shut off and exit the vehicle. You have not done any crime or given officers any reason to arrest you. What do you do?
0 / 150 words
You're at a local 24/7 when a group of 3 masked individuals walk in and take you hostage. They fail to search you. You possess a gun. How are you responding?
0 / 150 words
Rules Confirmation
I confirm that I have read the server rules.
Age Confirmation
I confirm that I am 16 years old or older.
Submit Application